Volume 2 of The Collected Clinical Works of Alfred Adler contains seventeen early journal articles originally published between 1898 and 1909 and the complete text of A Study of Organ Inferiority and Its Psychical Compensations (1907). This volume features sixteen new translations of complete articles published for the first time. Adler's earliest publication, "Health Manual for The Tailoring Trade," (1898) is remarkably vivid and moving. Rich in illuminating detail, it provides a powerful impression of the hellish life of tailors in Vienna during the late 1890's, and the devastating impact of their work, economic situation, and living conditions on their health. In his next two articles, "The Penetration of Social Forces into Medicine" and "An Academic Chair for Social Medicine," published in 1902, Adler argues for expanding state health care and prevention programs. He amplifies this appeal in his 1903 article "State Aid or Self Help." His early interest in child guidance and education is expressed in "The Physician as Educator," published in 1904. From 1905-1909, in the next eleven articles, Adler deals with sexuality, dreams, the aggression drive, organ inferiority, the child's need for affection, and the neurotic disposition. We can trace his journey from a physician's awareness of the human body, through an emerging social consciousness, to a fascination with the interconnectedness of intellect, emotions, and body. Stimulating and informative, A Study of Organ Inferiority and Its Psychical Compensations, published in 1907, provides a masterful overview of human organ systems and examines the roots of Adler's thinking about organ dialect. By reading the complete series of his clinical writings in chronological order, we can appreciate the gradual emergence of Adler's remarkably integrated theories of personality and psychopathology, principles of prevention, technique of psychotherapy, and philosophy of living. His ground-breaking odyssey of psychological exploration and refinement creates a uniquely unified vision of man. It is time for The Collected Clinical Works of Alfred Adler to finally be placed in the spotlight beside the writings of Freud and Jung. His wisdom and optimism about human nature shine through the pages, lighting the way to a more hopeful future.
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